Friday, March 05, 2010

You don't know Jack about T.E.A.

I write this on the occasion of having read my umpteenth OpEd which portrays the TEA party as loonies, rebels, racists and anti-government whackos. For those of you who get the majority of your information from the mainstream media, I would like to introduce you to the real TEA party. Those running opinions on the left have decided that the TEA Party is dangerous and must be stopped at all costs. The easiest way to do this is to have the mainstream media paint a picture of heinous, deplorable people who cannot identify with 'normal' folk and thus show their displeasure by demonstrating and plotting against the government. The left's hatred of the TEA Party is only rivaled by their hatred of Sarah Palin who has shown nothing but class in the face of unending misinformation, misquotes and poor jokes. Sadly, the sheeple take this as all facts because they saw it in the paper or heard it on The View or saw it on MSNBC. (Most of the 'quotes' lefties attribute to the former gov. were actually uttered by Tina Fey in a SNL skit, but we weren't fact-checking those ones, were we!) But I digress. Let me prove your sheepleness to you. Raise your hand if you have heard of the TEA Party. Good, most of you. How many know that TEA is an acronym for Taxed Enough Already? About half of you...OK. How many of you have referred to the TEA Party members as "Teabaggers?" Great! And lastly, how many of you understand that "teabagging" is a derogatory term that refers to a sex act between a man's genitals and another person or animal? Whoops...I guess some of you didn't. But you sure looked smug when you said it as did all the news anchors who think it's soooo damn funny. It is NOT funny and you make yourself a fool when you say it.
Lately it seems, every kook on the planet is attributed to TEA party type people. It took GMA about 30 seconds this morning to tie in the Pentagon shooter with the idiot who flew his plane into the IRS offices and then the TEA party. In fact, Steffanopolis made the next huge leap and heaped those two guys in with the Ft Hood shooter and the men who shot up recruiters in Alabama last year. He called this part of a "pattern of anti-government sentiment" that is emerging in the face of the terrible place that George Bush left us in. (Certainly Obama has nothing to do with all the continuing decline of jobs, money, loans, hope, change...) Again, the fastest way to turn the majority of the folks away from the TEA party is to lump all the kooks in with them. I have an endless supply of friends who ASSUME that talking heads like Limbaugh and Beck would cheer anything along those lines. Anyone who actually listened to those guys would have heard them DENOUNCE the actions of the kooks and distance themselves as much as possible from any association to their way of solving the countries problems. The TEA party does not believe in violent action to achieve goals. Change is made through the power of information and the vote. (You'll see that come Nov.) The piece I read today painted TEA party folk as fringe whackos, racists, birthers and truthers. Let's look at those individually. Fringe whackos? You might assume that by the few pictures of TEA party gatherings that actually see the light of day. The papers seem to pick the one loony looking person in the crowd to show. But watch any NFL or NBA game and you'll see much sillier stuff. Hanging tea bags from a hat does not make one a fringe whacko. Racists? Well, to tell the truth, the three top Officers in the TEA party movement have more diversity between them than the entire lineup of MSNBC. Birthers? Yup, I am certain that there are some of them amongst the ranks. But they are not the rabid loonies the press paints them to be. They just want fair treatment. John McCain had to show his birth certificate, naturalization certificate, citizenship papers, etc. Because he WAS born in another country. What the heck is so hard about seeing Obama's birth certificate? (or his college transcripts, or anything from his past at all???) The last one is easy. Truthers are an invention of the left. TEA party folk do NOT believe that the government was involved in 9/11 in any way, shape or form. You want proof? The recent republican primary race for Texas Governor included a "TEA party candidate," Debra Medina, who was making a sizable dent in the votes for the incumbent, Perry(stumped for by Palin) and the challenger Hutchison. Then she went on the Glen Beck show and let on that she was a truther. Her numbers fell faster than the snow in the northeast. She ended up with an embarrassing 16% of the vote. TEA party members are NOT truthers. (Van Jones, former Green Jobs czar appointed by Obama, on the other hand, IS!)
So let us wrap this up by talking about just what the TEA party is. It is a melting pot of America consisting of people who have had enough of the out-of-control spending cycle that Washington cannot seem to get out of. We are not anti-government, we are anti-BIG government. We believe in the open and free market solutions that have served the nation well for over 200 years. We believe in having a choice of where to get our health care and how much of it we wish to have. We believe that wind and solar power will one day be viable solutions to oil and coal, but the way there is not to demonize the fossil fuels that hold up the economic engine of the country. We want cars that get better mileage, but not at the expense of our safety on the road. We come from all races and socio-economic backgrounds. And yes, we have been here all along. When Bush was bailing out banks, we were right beside you yelling no in unison. You just thought we were one of you. And when the first stimulus was signed, we were demonstrating and calling and emailing our congressmen and senators as we do now. They just thought that we were with you. So when Obama continued the process we continued to say no. (At that point, you realized we were NOT with you and retorted with "but look what Bush spent!" Like that is a viable excuse for what 'your' president is doing. Y'all sound like fourth graders when you do that.) No one has been arrested at a TEA party event. We are not neo-nazis, KKK members or unibomber wannabees. We are your neighbors. We are your bosses. We are your employees. We are your relatives and friends. We are well informed and loosely organized. We do NOT want a third party, we want the Republican party back in its conservative roots. We are Taxed Enough Already!

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Don't Ask, Don't Tell and Don't Change a Damn Thing!

As a former sailor, I thought I would weigh-in on the recent decision to overhaul the DADT policy for the military. I signed up under Reagan who was trying to build a 600 ship Navy. As a microcosm of the U.S. population, we had the same problems you find in the civilian world when it came to societal issues like race, sexism and the like. The difference was in our propensity to be headline news. (Did you ever see an article about an accused rapist that starts "John Doe, manager of the local Sears store, was arrested...etc. No, but you will always see "John Doe, local sailor onboard USS Umptysquat, was arrested...etc.) And naturally we had incidents of gay bashing, just like in the rest of the country. The incidents were few and far between and generally kept as quiet as humanly possible. Did I serve with gay people? Probably. Did I know it? Nope! Did I care? Not really.
After Clinton took office, he wanted to make good on a campaign promise to allow gays to serve openly in the military. After much balking from the leadership, he compromised and signed off on the DADT policy. Did anything really change? Not in the view of the average sailor. It was business as usual for us all and for all we knew there were more gays than ever serving amongst us. We just didn't know it because they could not flaunt it. Doing so could get you tossed out. (Which became a much-storied way to get a quick end to a long enlistment should you suddenly decide to leave. Better than smoking some dope.) My point, though, is that it worked at least from a straight man's view. We didn't ask and they didn't tell. Most gay folk in the civilian world don't openly flaunt being gay (at least not where I live and work) and I doubt that it would be any different in the military. Most folks feel their sexual orientation is their own business and leave strangers to decide for themselves. By repealing DADT, servicemembers could openly flaunt their sexual preferences and I believe that will open the door to more problems than leaving it in place. All the "experts" aside, until you have spent 6 months on a Navy ship in a compartment of 4 to 60 men or women, I doubt you can appreciate the unique nature and closeness of shipboard life. Introducing openly gay service members will be detrimental to good order and discipline simply by making some people uncomfortable. You can say "wah" all you like, but if you have to make rack assignments and watchbills and work around this issue, that is just one more fly in the ointment. For the record, after you call me a hater and a homophobe, you can also call me a sexist because I don't feel women should serve on Navy vessels either.
Plenty of folk whom have never served in the military are pooh-poohing the policy by calling it archaic. They say the world has changed plenty and that peoples attitudes towards gays serving have changed. I doubt it. I believe people have become afraid of being labeled if they give their true feelings and do not want to appear 'unhip' or homophobic. The truth is that while several states do allow gay marriage, none of them passed it by popular vote. Re: Prop 8 in California. As "progressive" as that state is, they still could not get half of the population to vote for allowing gay marriage. I believe military folk are the same way. They fear telling the truth about how they feel about gays serving openly will hurt their careers, so they will be the ones pretending to be someone they are not. I believe most people processed out under DADT policies WANTED to leave the military and used it as an instrument to get out.
The highest morale and the least amount of problems I could find at sea came on the ships with all male crews and no known gay members. What folks did on their own time was their business. The services already bend over backwards to try and please every little minority wish, be it wearing religious articles of clothing in conjunction with a uniform or ethnic observances that may interfere with normal duty. (Not to mention good order and discipline.) I was never comfortable with the Navy having a Muslim priest and I still am not. Call me whatever you want, but the difference between me and others is that I am not afraid to say it. Political correctness has turned us all into wimpy liars and enough is enough! Throwing openly gay members into the mix will only make it worse. The military has enough to deal with. DADT is still relevent and it works!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

In What World…

In what world is it a bad idea to require voters to identify themselves before we allow them to vote? There’s lots of press these days on the subject. My own state of Texas will be voting on it again when the legislature reconvenes later this year. Proponents of the requirement believe that this is the only way to avoid the most easily committed form of voter fraud. Opponents, meanwhile, insist that in person voter fraud has rarely if ever occurred and that this is an unnecessary burden to the poor, disadvantaged minorities. What?? I thought minorities were now treated equal and able to earn a living and obtain a drivers license just like millions of others in this country…But enough of my personal insight. Let us break this down;

1) Opponents of voter ID feel that no ID should be required because no-one is committing onsite voter fraud. Really? How would you know?? If it is happening, as many suspect it is or soon will, there is no way to detect it. That is why it is a good idea to go forward with proper IDing of voters.
2) Opponents also like to point out that it is much easier to call into question absentee voting (where some fraud has actually occurred.) Such as that from our troops overseas. Who were also discounted during the last election. By the democrats who know that most troops will vote republican. Because democrats treat the troops like crap.
3) In case you haven’t guessed by now, it is usually prominent democrats behind these articles and they always drag out some ‘example’ of how voter ID will “punish” some unfortunate soul who so desperately wants to ‘make a difference’ in our elections by exercising their right to vote. In the latest AP article on the subject it was a “32 year old mother of seven who says it would cost her at least $50 to vote in person.” (Side note: unless she’s the recently widowed wife of a hard-line Catholic, I’m guessing she’s made some pretty poor decisions in her life…is this the person we want choosing the next leader?) This, my friends, is the perfect voter in the democrat’s eyes. She has depended on the government to take care of her and her offspring for years and will eagerly vote for anyone who promises more government interference in her life. Govt. medical care? Damn right! $5,000 per child at birth? Bring it on…I’ll have some more! Never mind that she’s getting a free ride courtesy of our hard working butts which will soon be taxed to death! This is why the democrats are so adamant about her right to vote. By the way, I notice they never tell us how many of the past elections she has voted in…
Bottom line is that we have to identify ourselves damn near everywhere we go so why should voting be any different? This is perhaps the most sacred of our national past times. To elect the leader of the free world we enjoy every day. Whether we appreciate it or not. I stand behind every American’s right to do so. In this day and age it is entirely too easy to get on the voter rolls if you don’t belong there. Voter ID cards are as accessible as the nearest PC. The opportunity for fraud is huge and never has it been more important to combat it. There will always be innocent victims, there will always be exceptions. If we do nothing, we invite the problem to grow. If this keeps a few democrat ‘superstars’ who have a lifetime of poor decisions behind them from voting so be it. Not all republicans are rich you know. Plenty of them will be hit as well. To play this off as party politics is irresponsible.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

How Dumb Are We??? Part 1

All I get that we should have a warning label on cigarettes. After all, when several laboratory rats were given enough nicotine to get an elephant high a few of them developed cancer. We also have to have a warning label on coffee cups so that when some imbecile decides to drive around with a hot cup between his or her legs they can't sue the vendor when they burn themselves. And naturally, all poisons need to have that big ominous skull and crossbones to let you know that this item could KILL you. So why is it that a U.S. consumer advocate group has to try so hard to get a "black box" warning label on Botox injection treatments?
Warning: instructive content ahead! Botox is a trade name for Botulinum toxin A which is a neurotoxin designed to block signals to muscles so they won't contract. Fine for getting rid of wrinkles but highly deadly if it spreads beyond your face. Generally, when things go horribly wrong, it will spread to the neck and chest and cause respiratory distress. So far, 16 people have died due to complications from Botox injections. Four of them were under the age of 18. Is it worth it?
Now I have to say that there are some medical conditions that are bettered by Botox injections. However, the vast majority of the injections are for vanity. People don't get Botox by accident, they sign up and pay for it. Over and over again. There should not be any doubt that this is dangerous. If I were a doctor dispensing these injections I think step one would be to have the customer sign a consent form after having read a disclaimer on the dangers of putting POISON in your face! The consumer group wants to have boldface blackbox warnings on the boxes that it comes in but I hesitate to say that it is not nearly enough. The customer probably never sees the box anyways and the doctor should already be well aware of the dangers. A better idea might be to put warning labels in magazine advertisements. That way people understand from the start. As for me, do I really care about the 16 poor souls who died from this treatment? Not really, but don't think me callous. Far more people die from doctors mistakes and automobile accidents. After all, I'm a 40 something guy with a beer gut and no illusions about where my face is going. For me, the wrinkles on my face are badges of honor for where I've been and what I've done and seen. Women are not the same as men and find these type of vanity treatments necessary as they grow older. Fair warning ladies, what you don't like could kill you.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Why would an American Leave America?

These days, it seems everyone wants to be an American. Whether that means they enter the country legally or otherwise it seems millions of third worlders from everywhere are literally (in some cases) dying to get here. So what would cause a naturalized citizen to flee?
Accused murderer Cesar Laurean (who IS a member of the Marine Corps, but hardly a Marine) has reportedly fled to his native Mexico to avoid being captured by U.S. authorities. No surprise there. From what we can tell, there is a pretty strong body of evidence that he may have killed another member of the Marine Corps and her (and possibly his) unborn child. These crimes are easily worthy of the death penalty under North Carolina statutes where the crimes were commited and where he would be tried. Deservedly so in my opinion. So in order to avoid going to trial, he fled across the (wide open) border into Mexico where he can hide. Now, why do I care?
Before the man has even been caught, a prosecutor in the U.S. (federal? state? who knows?) has offered Mexican authorities a deal that if he is captured in Mexico, they will NOT seek the death penalty. Why? Because Mexico, like MANY other countries in the world, do not agree with the death penalty. Because of this they will not allow the extradition of criminals to the U.S. for fear they will be tried and executed. O.K., so actually they could not care less. This is just another way to stick it to the big, bad U.S. of A. Pretty silly for a bunch of folk who continually piss and moan that we spend waaay too much time worrying about what they do. Even Saudi Arabia who gets it from all sides about their continuing treatment of women as petty property will deride us over our "barbaric" practice of capitol punishment. So here we are, with a suspected (double) murderer on the lam in Mexico and the authorities there are already holding us over a barrel for someone who hasn't even been tried. Again, why do I care?
Personally, I don't. I hope this chickensnot POS spends the rest of his waking days looking over his shoulder. Marines have long memories. So do fathers. And murder happens every day in Mexico with far less consequence than it does here. Principally, I believe this to be the biggest crock of crap going these days. We have spent decades giving and giving and taking and taking from the third world idiots lying just south of our border. (I said it!) We've been giving in terms of economic support and trade agreements to the tune of billions of dollars. We've been taking in the form of lawbreakers, gang members, murderers and rapists who continue to stream across the border into the U.S. in order to recieve free education, housing and medical care. While we are freely taking care of Mexico's prisoners (and they PREFER we never them home) we have to kowtow to these morons to get back one jacka$$ who may or may not be found guilty. We're talking about a country that lets the drug gangs own the streets in the border towns. They have billions in natural resources that go under utilized while the majority of the populace languishes in poverty. The rich have been getting richer and the poor poorer for longer than the U.S. has been around and they dare hold us over a barrel on principal? I think an invasion is in order. Once the suspect is found and jailed in Mexico, let the chuckleheads in Washington work on negotiating his extradition while a company of real Marines parachutes in to extract his a$$ to Lejune where he can face a proper military tribunal. When Mexico complains, and they will, let's give 'em a collective SCREW YOU, finish the fence and cut them off. I mean literally, figuratively and especially monetarily. Then lets extradite all the criminals they have sent here over the years. And charge them for the cost with the threat of dire consequences if they don't pay up. The time for political correctness is gone. It is way past time to call a leech a leech and charge them for their trouble. I recommend the United States become expansionist again and simply take over any country that gives us crap. Or bomb them back into the stone age. Either way is fine by me.

Monday, January 21, 2008

And the greed rolls on…

A report recently published by the federal government details some of the almost 500,000 claims against the government and Army Corps of Engineers over the damage caused by hurricane Katrina. I am sure that lots of them are legitimate claims. I’m sure that many of them are reasonable. I am also sure that many are just a continuation of some peoples’ dependence upon the government to provide them with the life they feel they deserve. Almost 250 of the claims are for one billion dollars. This includes a 77 billion dollar claim by the City of New Orleans. No surprise there, after all, it was Nagin and his minions that saw to the redistribution of the annual funds for levee maintenance. One individuals claim is for 1 quadrillion dollars. I don’t even know how many zeros that is. I DO know that it dwarfs the U.S.’ annual gross domestic product of 13.2 trillion dollars in 2007.
So, where to start? I know that there is no price tag for a human life, but only 14 of the 247 billion dollar claims involve wrongful death. The highest I’ve ever read about were several hundred million. This is a whole new level of greed. I don’t know when it became fashionable to make the government pay for your grief, but it is surely in full swing now. Over the years since Katrina, most ‘victims’ have received over $178,000 each to cover loss. This is in addition to any insurance one might have had. (Paltry, of course, to the average 1.5 million awarded to survivors and victims families of the 9/11 attacks.) So who decides what is legitimate and what is not? Hopefully NOT the democrats who would sell their souls for another hundred votes. As much as people would like to believe it, it was NOT George Bush who caused the hurricane. It was NOT George Bush who destroyed the inadequately built levees. It was NOT George Bush who delayed permission for National Guard troops bringing relief to the damaged areas. (That was up to the Governor.) Funny how we can whine daily about all the money “wasted” waging the war on terror in Iraq but never utter a peep about the horrendous amount of money being thrown at New Orleans with no tangible results. Now, on top of that, we have these greedy leeches demanding more, more and even more. When will it end? When we put our collective feet down and say enough! Folks who worked hard and paid dues and had insurance before the storm are doing fine now. They have rebuilt their lives and are for the most part moving on. Others are hoping for a never ending gravy train funded by you and me.
Now here’s the REALLY sick part. 15 of the billion dollar claims were filed by businesses. This includes insurance companies. Wait a minute…why would an insurance company file a claim against the government? Pure, simple greed. I’m sure they were insured and have since rebuilt their facilities. So whats the claim for? Is it because they had to pay a lot of claims? That is why people pay premiums. If the company will go broke otherwise, so be it. Consumers are most often at the losing end of the insurance gamble. I could not care less if the insurance company loses sometimes. Is it to compensate their employees for whatever they went through? No, it’s a claim for the company. This tells me that the only benefactor of a windfall payoff from Uncle Sam would go directly in the pockets of the business owners. Why? They are GREEDY!
Lawyers for some of the claimants proclaim that there is no way you could put a price tag on the horror these folks went through. In fact, they say, nothing like it has ever occurred in our country. It’s true, that New Orleans DID suffer some unique circumstances. As did the victims of Hugo, Andrew, the California wildfires, annual midwest flooding, the northeastern floods, various tornados…etc, etc. The difference is that New Orleans has many minorities in its population who feel they were done wrong and that it is up to the government to fix their woes. If one were poor and homeless before the storm, what gives them the right to be a millionaire after the storm? Simple greed. We have soldiers in Iraq VOLUNTARILY suffering through circumstances that make Katrina look like a picnic. These young men and women do this for Honor and Duty and VERY LITTLE PAY. Shame on everyone who just wants a bigger piece of a pie they didn’t earn. In my mind, the government doesn’t owe a damn thing to the city of New Orleans or anyone else. If you were not insured that is your problem, not the problem of my tax dollars. You went through a horrible ordeal, yes, as have many before you and after. Time to move on.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Anti-Illegal Immigration? Damn Right!!

Andres Oppenheimer is the Latin-American editor and foreign affairs columnist for the Miami Herald. He wants us to become educated on the 5 myths of the “anti-immigration” movement as they call it. He says we are actually a bunch of elitists and racists who hate all people who aren’t white and speak English. Well, not in so many words but it is certainly implied. So let us look at these “myths” one by one and break them down.

1) “We are only against illegal immigration. Undocumented immigrants should get in line for Visas.” Andres says that ‘this is deceptive because you can’t demand that people get in line when, for the most part, there is no line to get into.’ First let’s call these people what they are. Calling them ‘undocumented’ tries to erase the fact that they are lawbreakers. They know this, which is why they cross the border at night and sneak across the desert using coyotes or Mexican Government furnished GPS devices or gut instinct to guide them. Calling them ‘undocumented workers’ implies that they stroll over the International bridge and settle in to a nice job and pay taxes like a regular Joe. This, as you say, ‘for the most part’ isn’t true. As for “the line,” it’s a figure of speech meaning that you apply for a work visa, settle into a job, learn English and apply to take the tests and become a citizen. If your Visa runs out before you become a citizen you either petition for a renewal or you go home. As millions have before them. Just showing up with a willingness to work means nothing to me. Citizenship is EARNED, not given. As for the ‘immigrant-starved’ labor market, I find it hilarious that as soon as seven meat packing plants were shut down due to ICE raids they immediately started processing applications from LEGAL immigrants for the job. He also says we want to slow legal immigration from 1 million a year to 300,000 or so. Why not? In today’s world we have to be more careful about who we let in. (Yes, I said it!!) We need to reduce the flow to get security back under control. We can’t save the world but we can help our own country from bursting at the seams.
2) “Anti-Immigration advocates are not anti-Hispanic.” Oppenheimer’s next line starts ‘maybe many aren’t.’ Well duh! But then he points out that no one is lashing out about ‘illegal immigrants from Canada.’ Gee, when WAS the last time a couple hundred thousand of them marched down the street waving that oak leaf flag demanding we all speak French and give them free health care? For that matter, when was the last time anyone marched the streets with signs in ANY language other than English demanding anything? The Chinese, Vietnamese, German, Irish and Russian immigrants don’t do that. Probably why there is no backlash against them. But then no one is denying them a free ride because they are learning the language and becoming productive citizens. They are earning the ride. As for backlash against Latinos, legal and otherwise, the same reasoning applies. Consider that your kid in school is held back in class because the bi-lingual instructor is too busy helping the struggling Hispanics (3rd and 4th generation Americans) to figure out the subject matter. Is that fair? I think not. Bi-lingual education puts ALL students further behind and punishes those who care enough to learn the local language. It starts in the home with a false sense of ‘heritage.’ If you were born here or have become a citizen, English is your native language. Period. By the way, when I go through the checkpoints, the border patrol asks me for ID and I’m whiter than white. Being asked for an ID is not discrimination.
3) “We are a Nation of laws and the law says you have to enter the country legally.” He them argues that we are also a nation of immigrants. What this has to do with breaking the law is beyond me. Immigrants, like MY forefathers, do not cross borders illegally, avoid taxes, refuse to learn the local language and demand that we learn theirs and live 20 to a home. And by the way, he explains, nearly half of all ‘undocumented immigrants’ (there he goes again, as if they came over and someone neglected to do their citizenship papers) entered the country legally and overstayed their Visas. No, they broke the law by not going home when the Visa expired or tried to get it renewed.
4) “Building a border fence will solve the problem.” No it won’t. I actually agree with him on this one. However, it’s a good start. The right fence will make it more difficult to come over and will start to shift the flow to more manageable territory. (For those who will cry that we are making it too hard on the illegals and more might die, let them get in a bathtub sized boat in Haiti and navigate their butts here like someone from a really bad country. That might get my attention.) As for the demands of the labor market that keeps them coming, I already pointed out that we DO HAVE LEGAL immigrants in need of jobs. They just don’t get hired because they want a living wage, not the crap that companies can get away with paying to illegals who won’t complain. It has always been said that good fences make good neighbors. I agree.
5) He concludes that those of us that get criticized by the likes of him believe his type to be ‘amnesty’ and ‘open borders’ supporters. Well, gosh, you are. If the truth hurts so be it. He claims he supports “border protection” and an “earned path to legalization for millions of undocumented workers who pay taxes and are willing to learn English.” Guess what? The immigrants here on work visas that are willing to learn English and pay taxes have already earned a path to legalization. I see them on TV once a month being sworn in as citizens. They are good, hard working productive citizens whom I am proud to call Americans. We don’t need a new path, we need the old one followed.
His final conclusion is this: “Let’s call things by their names, and agree that most opponents of a comprehensive immigration package are anti-immigration.” You couldn’t be more wrong. If you want to call things by their names, then call the lawbreakers what they really are. Whether they came here right to start with or entered the country illegally (thus the moniker illegal alien) they ARE lawbreakers and THEY KNOW IT! So do you. Shame on you for defending them.
Furthermore, let’s conclude that we don’t need a comprehensive immigration package, we need immigration law enforcement. Laws are already on the books that the Government and big business have outright ignored for too long. They are also lawbreakers.
His final paragraph states that we should solve the current crisis by legalizing ‘undocumented workers’ and increase economic integration with our good neighbors down south in order to “reduce poverty and emigration pressures south of the border.” The only way to solve Mexico’s economic problems is to eradicate the stronghold of the drug warlords and the government that hold the majority of their economic holdings. The United States already gives millions in economic aid every year not to mention the 40 MILLION that goes south annually from the “dues paying” undocumented workers here. Mexico needs to fix itself. They have the natural resources to become a power player in the world but would rather rely on us to hold them up. The time has come for change, all right. I didn’t work hard all my life to give away my social security to “undocumented workers.” Feel free to donate yours.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Why hasn't she been Imused?? we all know who Don Imus is and what happened to him. For those of you living in caves and bomb shelters, the one time and still popular radio talk show host referred to a women's university basketball team as a bunch of "nappy headed hoes." Did he mean that he thought the girls all had bad hair and sold their bodies for sex every night? Certainly not, but it was a highly inappropriate remark for ANYONE of either sex or any color to make. As a result, a huge hullabaloo resulted. (If you want details, Google it.) So now we learn that last Friday a white female broadcaster for the Golf Channel (viewership 75mil. U.S.) named Kelly Tilghman suggested that young golfers should "lynch Tiger Woods in a back alley." EXCUSE ME?? Now I have not seen the footage and could only guess at the context of this quote. My point is that it JUST DOESN'T MATTER! She didn't say they should take him out or get rid of him or even kill him. She said they should LYNCH him. Anyone over the age of...say 10, knows that lynching is a method of killing uniquely associated with black Americans. To suggest anyone should "lynch" Tiger Woods (who is part black) is about Imus times a million. Imus' remark was to me nothing more than a poor choice of words. Tilghmans remark? Beyond reprehensible. So, why has there not been a national flap over this yet?
I have a few ideas, none of them provable. First, we can conclude that being this was on the Golf channel, no one was really listening. That is not to say that people who might watch the Golf channel are a bunch of racists who wouldn't care about the remark. But they are probably more interested in leaderboards and handicaps.
My next thought is that maybe we are learning to ignore these things in the sense that making a headline out of it will not let it just fade into the background where it will eventually disappear. Plastering it on every TV set from coast to coast just magnifies everything about this type of thing. I think that is the wrong approach which is why I also think the VMA killer's taped message should have never seen the light of day. With continuous rebroadcasting we keep brining it back to life every hour on the hour.
Another thought is that perhaps Al Sharpton and his ilk just had it out for Don Imus and were waiting for any excuse to vilify him. Maybe they just don't want to trash on sweet little Kelly whereas trashing ugly ol' Don was "fun." Afterall, she did apologize on air (albeit two days later) and has reportedly tried to contact Woods' 'people' to arrange a personal apology. (I hope they tell her to 'pack sand.')
If I were running the Golf Channel, and I'm not, I would be looking for a new commentator. A slip of the tongue is one thing. This is waaay overboard. A quick search of the Golf Channel website revealed nothing about this incident which means they just want to quickly put it behind them. As long as she works there, I don't see that happening. This girl should be looking for a new job. A poor choice of words is one thing. This was quite another.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Judge Judy - RACIST! we go again. Another disgruntled former employee is suing his ex-employer because he feels he was wrongly terminated. To add fuel to the fire, implications of racism are brought forth. Far be it fom me to suggest that a minority employee might actually get fired for the legitimate reasons that were stated on his termination papers. Of course, if he WERE actually let go for the reasons provided he wouldn't have a case and we wouldn't be reading this. However, with a claim of racial bias we can get a case, national headlines and lots of harumphs and head shakes from the affected minority community. Specifically, here are the 'opinions' in question - THR, ESQ. Entertainment & Media Law Blog: Complaint Alleges Racial Screening of 'Judge Judy' Cases
OK. So, arguments of racism aside, is it wrong to do away with cases that don't bring viewers? After all, TV shows live and die by their ratings. If Judge Judy viewers prefer cases with white folk to cases with black folk should we sink the show in the name of racial equality? Let's be blunt here. BET would lose viewers by inviting Drew Carey and Ellen to do new shows. The conventional wisdom says that they would do much better by coming up with shows starring 50 Cent and Whitney Houston. This isn't racism, it's business. The Judge Judy program is free to aim shows at whatever they feel their demographic is.
Next, let's look at the allegations. The producer says he was told "We're not doing any more black shows;" "I don't want to hear no black language on T.V.;" "I don't want to hear black people arguing;" and other comments. So after seven years as a producer this is what he comes up with? I bet Judge Judy would call that evidence circumstatial at best. Maybe even simple opinion? Fine. Let's just say it is all true. Again, we are trying to keep a show alive by keeping ratings up by pandering to the core audience. If I am the core audience, I have changed the channel. I, too no longer wish to see black people arguing on TV. I am sick and tired of illiterate, cursing, trash talking, hip-hoppish caricatures of human beings on my television whining about how someone owes them something just because, yo. So, if you are in charge of the show, how do you win my viewership back? By playing shows I want to see. By eliminating the type of show that drove me away. If this practice is racist, I'm suing the producers of "Sisters!" I want more shows that concern issues that are important to ME, damnit!
To sum up, let's be blunt some more. I am sick and tired of 24% of the population determining 100% of what I see and hear on television. Between the hispanic and black communities, the crap being shoved down my throat in the name of "diversity" is really starting to tick me off. It isn't bad enough that the left-wing nut jobs are ruining every decent program out there by making it about their own political agenda (global warming, etc.) But whatever decent TV is left is besieged by worthless boycotts and lawsuits if there isn't enough 'color' in it. I wonder how many minorities who complain about the lack of their 'type' on TV have actually considered making the sacrifice of going to college, getting a degree and becoming a television writer? Probably very few, I'm guessing. Much easier to be part of the problem than the solution. Got fired? Get over it! And leave the race card in the deck where it belongs.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Tom Teepen doesn't lie...

...nor does he tell the whole truth! You see, Arizona has become the first of the individual states to go above and beyond the federal government to practice ACTUAL ILLEGAL ALIEN CONTROL! Yes, instead of erecting showy fences or passing worthless legislation, they elected this year to hit the illegals where it the pocket. As of yesterday, companies caught with illegal aliens in their employ will have their business license suspended for a few weeks. The second offense will cause them to have the license revoked! Properly enforced, this should make a sizable dent in the flow of illegal job seekers crossing the border. So what's the problem???
According to Teepen's column today, we are going to punish the poor business owners who have been taking advantage of the illegals by paying them squat for years. No wait, we're going to punish the business owners for supporting law breakers who should, by LAW, be immediately deported. No...that can't be right. This... all... makes... sense. Maybe he wants us to ...oh heck I don't know what he wants. But he is predicting a huge gap in available workers...DUH!!
His first assertion is that people in the offices of Phoenix will be unwilling to go work in the fields. Yeah...but people making the minimum wage in a fast food restaurant might be excited to make some decent dough in the open air. But, he points out, AZ. has a low 3.3 employment rate. Well, Tom, other places ave high unempoymnt rates and willing workers looking for jobs When ICE raided the seven meat-packing plants and sent all the workers packing, LEGAL African immigrants moved into the towns and took the jobs. Americans gladly stepping into jobs vacated by illegal aliens. Imagine that! And they said it couldn't be done...
His next assertion is that Arizona's ecomomy will suffer under the lack of illegal workers making under the table wages that they then send home. Wait! What? Yes, I am serious. Then again, what I set out to say is that T. Teepen doesn't tell the whole truth. What will be missing as the illegals leave is the tremendous strain on Arizona's healthcare and school systems. Let's talk about that. While we're at it, let's discuss the wages that will be going into the tax base from legal workers. Hmm...sounds like a boost to the ecomomy to me. Not to mention, living wages for deserving workers. What's not to like, Tom?

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Texas Drivers Licenses for all!!

It has been suggested that we issue TDLs to illegals so we can to send them a speeding ticket!! On the news today, they were discussing how officials "dont know what to do with them after they get pulled over. They don't have licenses, insurance, etc and giving them a ticket is a waste of paper." I have an idea...SEND THEM HOME!!! Cripes when are we gonna get over being nice? Ronnie Raygun signed the law in what, '86? SEND THEM HOME! PERIOD! If police officers are finding illegals on our highways and then NOT turning them over to immigration they are not upholding the law. There should not even be a question about this. The more we give, the more they will take. They already have better educational opportunities, healthcare and (dare I say it) pay than many hardworking Americans. This is all due to laws that the bleeding hearts get pushed through by guilting us over their poor state of affairs. The time is now to put our feet down. It HAS TO STOP! Kill the jobs, halt the medicare, kick them out of school and punish the employers. Stop instant citizenship for anyone born over the border. Stop helping them to get educated, fed, cared for and banked. Then, and only then, will they stop coming. Then, deport those still here. It is far better to be homeless and jobless here than there so they will have to be sent. Use my tax dollars to rent a school bus on the weekend. Pay me minimum wage to drive it. I will do whatever it takes to make this happen! Get it??

Monday, February 19, 2007

Hugo Chavez wants to be your friend!

I cannot believe the commercial I just saw on TV. One of the cool things about having sat TV is being able to catch programs in different time zones. One of the bad things is seeing other peoples local ads. One of the interesting things is seeing commercials you WOULD NOT see at home. Soooo...
Tonight I was watching Wheel o' Fortune on a Boston, MA station when the ad came on. It showed a young, single mother and her daughter standing in front of a gas stove (unlit) and getting cold. The pair appear to be out of heating oil and have no means to buy more. The announcer in the background is talking about how tough times can be and how there is now help on the way. A heating oil truck pulls up out front and "Joe" gets out to happily pump some free oil into the struggling family's tank. The announcer is now happily telling us that no one should go without and "Joe" will be there in your time of need. The punchline? As the ad closes we hear "Joe's assistance program is brought to you by Citgo and the fine people of Venezuela." What???
So one has to wonder. Has Hugo decided to hire a PR firm to 'buff' up his tarnished image in the U.S.? Or is the State Department behind this idiocy? Lord knows I love a guy who can piss on us while we continue to kiss his ass. I didn't think Chavez cared. Maybe Stripes (CircleK) DID buy lots of gas from them...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Welcome, to the Bank of (South) America

Seems the Bank of America is targeting people of questionable backgrounds. Their new credit cards will require three months worth of maintaining a checking account. No SSN, no credit background, nothing. Obviously, they are aiming for the 'large, untapped market' of illegal aliens. Here's a quote from the article;

"Bank of America defends the program, saying it complies with U.S. banking and antiterrorism laws. Company executives say that the initiative isn't about politics, but rather about meeting the needs of an untapped group of potential customers."

This tells me what I've always known...people will quickly sell out their country for the almighty dollar. More words of wisdom from the article;

"These people are coming here for quality of life, and they deserve somebody to give them a chance to achieve that quality of life," says Brian Tuite, the bank's director of Latin America card operations and one of the architects of the program.

Nooooo...these people are here illegally and need to be DEPORTED! Period! If the government can stop me from smoking in a private restaurant why cant they stop the B of A from aiding and abetting known criminals? Well, at least something good will come of this. Now the drug gangs will have an easier time of moving money around without giving any real background info...Thanx B of SA!! You will never get my business!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Headlines you'll never see....

Ironic, I think that the man who represented the New Black Panthers on Bill O'Reilly some time ago claimed that it was impossible for blacks to be racist. Not only is it an arrogant claim, but a dishonest one as well. ANYONE at ANYTIME can be racist. Sadly we hear alot more about the Duke case than this one. 8 convicted of hate attack in Long Beach - Los Angeles Times While justice in this case may have been served, there certainly are no winners. Instead of having the case openly aired across the nation, this news was essentially swept under the mainstream media carpet for what I would guess is its unpalatability. Surely no one wants to read that black folk can be mean, vindictive and racist. Just ask Reginald Denny. Of course I'm being facetious. Reginald Denny was beaten by a crowd of blacks under the influence of 'mob mentality.' To tell the truth, I'm surprised that defense wasn't tried here.
And so it goes throughout the history of the late 20th century that whenever blacks commit heinous crimes the press gives them an excuse to have committed it. Whenever we convict them we say we're sorry it had to be this way, then fund another worthless minority help program to try and dismiss our misplaced 'white guilt.' If we are ever wrong in our convictions we are held fast to the fire and ordered to pay millions to the wronged person as we apologize profusely. Too bad it only works that way for the minorities. We'll never hear I'm sorry from the unreelected Cynthia McKinney. She's probably making $1000 a plate appearances on the lecture circuit. Mike Nifong will do the same even if he is disbarred. Both of them will continue to profit from unfounded allegations invoking racist rants across the country. CNN, Fox News and all the major networks continue to paint a picture of racist whites and compliant, loving minorities that are stretching the boundaries of uncivil behavior. They get away with murder while we are accused of making them commit said murder.
One other high profile no show in the media is the fight in the Atlanta suburbs involving money and race. Fulton county has over 900,000 residents. 29% of them are upper middle class whites in the northern half of the county. The rest are mostly 'income challenged' blacks. The white folk want to break away and form their own county to better serve their interests. (They currently pay 48% of the county's taxes.) The blacks are crying racist and claiming that allowing the white folk to break away will decimate the county coffers. Duh. I cant imagine that blacks wouldn't try to do the same given a reversal of the circumstances. 'Course, the press would stand behind them. It would be the politically correct thing to do. Right?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

It's about damn time!!

Finally, a lawmaker not afraid to say what a lot of people have been thinking. It was only a matter of time. Details - Top News- Lawmaker Under Fire for Slavery Comment - AOL News
The PC grip over this nation has got to be relaxed. Honestly, the demands of "wronged" minorities are just getting bolder and more ridiculous by the day. It's time that decent, upstanding individuals say that enough is enough. The comments from the legislator were prompted by the proposal that the state of Virginia formerly apologize for slavery. Excuse me??? The state of Virginia caused slavery? OK, I get it, quit yelling. The point is that The state of Virginia today has nothing to do with the state of Virginia from yesterday. This is an absolutely pointless piece of legislation (and waste of valuable time) that will simply have the blacks crying for MORE. While black members of the state body claimed that this would 'help with the healing process,' we all know that it would simply re-ignite the fires of gimme, gimme gimme that inevitably crop up from time to time where blacks demand slave reparations in the form of cash from white people. Too many things wrong with that picture, but that will be covered some other day. For now, let's just stick with the comment that blacks should "get over slavery."
Perhaps, to start, a definition. I do not think slavery should be forgotten, forgiven, tucked away, hidden or ignored. Getting over it simply means to stop with the crutch of history long gone to prop up the egos of blacks who feel the world owes them everything. The fact that there are black legislators in the same body as the offender tells me that we've come quite a long way in the 140 years since the Civil war. I personally find it offensive that blacks should be demanding anything at all. They've been given the benefit of the doubt, a break at every turn and more opportunity than they know what to do with. So 40 years after the civil rights movement what do we get? A black community that can't advise itself, police itself or even get along with itself. We're talking about people who idolize gangsta rappers and called Bill Cosby an Uncle Tom when he tried to tell them how it is. Get over it!
Next, why don't we discuss who this apology would come from. Now, you can say it is not personal all you like. (The STATE is apologizing, not the people!) But if blacks who emigrated to the country AFTER slavery was abolished take this kind of thing "personally," then so will I. So, let's cover some facts. Blacks did not end slavery without the help of an awful lot of white people. With the exception of a few units, the civil war was pretty much fought, and won, by white folks. Whites pretty much ran the government when the civil rights laws were passed. Whites helped educate blacks. Whites ran the underground rail road, set up quota systems, voted in a holiday for a plagiarizing woman get the idea. Blacks are demanding an apology from the very people who helped them get to where they are today. It's biting the hand that feeds you in the purest form. Blacks today act as if the entire white world is the enemy when just the opposite is generally true. Demanding an apology of ANY kind is simply a slap in the face to whites everywhere. Let's face it...if ALL whites were against all blacks, we would still have slavery, right? Get over it!
The longer blacks decide they can't get along in the world without the help of white people because of the 'horror' of slavery, the further backwards they will go. It should be a slap in the face to every one of the millions of successful blacks in this country to hear this kind of crap, but it is not the party line. They would rather support their 'brothers' than appear to be against anything that is "for" blacks. Now, for all those folks out there SCREAMING at me that blacks can get along fine on their own, let's cover a few more complaints;
"There are not enough blacks in TV shows!" Actually, I think the problem is a lack of talented black writers, producers, etc. No one is stopping them from going to school, learning their trade or starting their own company. Like tons of whites who came before them, and earned their way. Period.
"There are not enough minorities in NASCAR!" According to who? Tell you what, if you want more minorities in racing, do what most of the white kids did...start young and form your own team. Get a talented driver, some competent crew members and corporate sponsors! See? Easy! Seriously, there's nothing stopping FUBU, BET or P. Diddy from starting their own race team. Why are you waiting for a white folk funded "driver diversity" program?
"There are not enough black Generals, Admirals, pilots, news anchors, sea captains, CEOs, managers, leaders, etc." (This could go on all night but you get the idea.) Sorry, but there is no cure for this problem that white folks can supply. It's a matter of making good use of all the resources offered. The 'mental blockage' brought on by the 'slavery mentality' and the onslaught of 'white privilege' is a problem you invented, not me. I am sick and tired of excuses and demands that minorities put forward as serious agenda so they can 'move on' in this world. Millions make it on their own every day. All you have are lame excuses and laziness. GET OVER IT!!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Tom Teepen tries to deepen my white guilt!

Today, raving fruitcake Tom Teepen printed a column of utter stupidity that I am certain is just feeding the fertile imaginations of minorities everywhere. They love nothing more than someone who verifies their "cause." Details - Teepen: America's racist past still lives ... just ask Oprah For your amusement, here's the e-mail I sent in reply to his filth.

Concerning your column I read in the Corpus Christi Caller Times on 13 Jan 07 titled 'Our racist past lives on...just ask Oprah.' First, let's get a few facts straight:
1. I'm white and I could not care less about what Oprah does with her money. She earned it and what she does with it is her business.
2. Most white folks feel this way.
3. It is REALLY irritating when columnists write generalizations about white folks based on what less than one half of one percent of them say.
4. I believe charity starts at home, not at Christian missions far away. (Interesting side note here. When several NBA stars visited a mission schoolhouse in Africa I was appalled but not surprised to see that the eighth grade students of a one room schoolhouse in the middle of a desert staffed by a volunteer spoke better English than the "college educated" NBA stars. I guess it's more a matter of want, than resources.)
5. As for whites getting upset when blacks(or any other minority for that matter) make exclusive charities, that evolves out of the apparent laws against whites doing anything for themselves without involving other races. We cannot promote ourselves, be proud of ourselves or start any club, scholarship fund, television show, awards society, social gathering or any other thing involving more than two persons without first involving at least one gay Jewish black woman. Isn't it funny how studies involving minorities that conclude they prefer the company of like individuals find them to be good, upstanding people, but if it concludes that whites prefer the company of whites they're assumed to be a bunch of hood wearing, card carrying members of the KKK?
6. In my humble opinion, the black community does more to hurt itself than help itself. Katrina was the perfect example of this. Given the chance to stand before the world and hold each other up, the black community instead chose to self implode and beat each other down. Let's face it. After 40 years of racial enlightenment, we are more aware of 50 Cent, Jay-Z and Beyonce' than Ronald Mcnair and Bill Lester. (Sadly, we cannot hold up Condoleeza Rice without putting Cynthia McKinney beside her.) That, sir, is your legacy, not mine.
7. Minorities across the country can attend any school they aspire to as well as many private institutions that were built and are sustained just for them. It has been this way for many, many years. You have no room to bitch and no excuses left. "White privilege" is a myth. "Hook a brother up, yo" is a reality.
8. Minorities who want to do something and understand that they have to earn it, like EVERYONE ELSE, will generally do so, usually with little or no help from their own community. If they did, I am certain we would hear about it. Endlessly. Those who expect to be given the world will come up with every excuse why they aren't getting it while they sit around waiting for someone to hurry up and give it to them. Why one group ends up in the media a lot more than the other is beyond me.
By rehashing 'the confusions that came with the first slave ship' you set yourself back hundreds of years. I am not holding you back, you are. I refuse to feel guilt or be ashamed of my race so that you may feel better. If belittling whites is the only thing that brings you peace, I feel sorry for you. You are a little, petty person that will never be happy. In 1983 I joined the US Navy. There were four white guys, including me, in my boot camp company. We all went in together and had the same opportunities throughout our careers. If they are not living next to me with two new cars and a fabulous post career job, it is not my fault. I am truly sick and tired of loudmouths like you painting a different picture. I EARNED all that I have. I was not put on this planet to pay for what you believe to be the sins of my father. For the record, my family came here (as did many whites) as indentured servants. We got over it.
The crap you spew into your column just further ignites the reading youth to believe that someone should be making them kings of the worlds. (For the record, there have never been any Monarchs in Africa.) As for the bottom line in your column, you said, and I quote, "Some of the griping came Winfrey's way from within the black community," but I guess you only see fit to vilify the whites for their opinion. Way to go on your balanced journalism you schmuck. Grow up and take responsibility. Maybe someday you will be somebody.

As sure as I am that my e-mail will make a quick trip to his trash bin I am equally certain that he will be an angry man for the rest of his life.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Immigration and the ACLU

Let's start by just confirming (reaffirming?) that I am no fan of the ACLU. Time and time again I have watched in horror as they defend the stupid and ignore real world issues. The latest example of their actions has them defending the rights (rights??) of a bunch of illegal immigrants. Details - Rhode Island news Rhode Island news The Providence Journal OK lets get this straight. We're upset that some troopers did their job and caught some criminals. Why? The criminals were 'racially profiled.' Huh? What are we supposed to do, wait until the illegals put on their "Kiss me, I'm an illegal immigrant" t-shirts? Maybe living so far from any foreign borders puts the Rhode Island ACLU at a disadvantage. Maybe they don't understand the danger lurking across the borders. Details - Intellectual Conservative Politics and Philosophy » Maricopa County Attorney Asks why National Guard on Border Retreated from...
In any case, they are gonna have to accept that we don't live in a perfect world. The time for being delicate is over. The time for trying to be nice towards everyones sensibilities is past. It is time to retake our nation and punish those who would choose to give it away. Down here in south Texas, the border is less than a hundred miles away. The border patrol maintains stations well 'inland' from the actual boders. Everyone who passes through is stopped and questioned. They are asked to provide proof of citizenship. I faced it daily while going about my everyday job. I had no problem with this. I'm sure the R.I. ACLU would crap themselves at the thought of everyone being pulled, regardless of car type, color or radio station playing. The ONLY question asked is are you a U.S. citizen. At these checkpoints, hundreds of thousands of pounds of dope and coke are caught and taken. Hundreds of illegals are captured. Maybe the troopers in Rhode Island should just ask everyone they pull over to provide proof of citizenship. That way it wouldn't be racial profiling. What do you think, ACLU?
My point here is that we are needlessly harassing a couple of officers who should have been commended for their efforts that were above and beyond the normal scope of their assigned duties. Anything that helps curb the flow of illegal immigration is a good thing. Funny thing that the 'super new' democratic congress decided to pass the 9-11 bills without even mentioning immigration. I firmly believe that homeland security and comprehensive immigration reform go hand in hand. Of course, the reform isn't really needed if we just decide to enforce what R. Reagan signed into LAW back in '84. Call me all the nastiest names in the book, but if we continue to award prizes to folks who should be deported, worry about the sensibilities of muslim cab drivers and defend the rights of illegal immigrants not to be arrested we are GIVING AWAY AMERICA!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

And the Stupidity Just Rolls On!!!

First of all, a huge load of crap to Toys'R'Us for caving in to the special interest cry babies who are ruining this country. Details - Toys 'R' Us Reverses Decision on Baby Contest - AOL News By giving in and awarding prizes to several mothers, they twisted simple contest rules into their apparent willingness to support illegal immigration. As one advocate stated, if illegals are allowed in our schools why can't they win a contest? Weeeelllll...let's just go a bit further, shall we? Let's send them home with a quick boot in the a$$! Deport them AS PER THE LAW! I can't believe anyone would even consider listening to the whining much less reversing their decision. Count me as a former Toys'R'Us customer!
In even more stunning news, we now find out about the US-Mexico Social Security Totalization Agreement. Details - U.S.-Mexico Pact Revealed: Billions to Non-citizens No wonder the current administration has been trying to ease us into thinking about paths to citizenship for our illegal working stiffs. They've already decided to bankrupt the Social Security funds by giving it away to the illegals. YOUR hard earned tax dollars will be funneled to someone who has only to work in this country ILLEGALLY for 18 months! Maybe we could devise a system to take the SS bennies from all the bleeding hearts who advocate the illegals first!
Meanwhile, over in the "What the F@#K?" department, why in the world would the National Guard RETREAT from encroaching armed men who crossed the border and fired at them? I believe the only excuse would be that they were unarmed. If that's the case, then we underestimated the enemy. Re-arm with TOW missiles, Apache and Cobra gunships and a few Harriers. If they were ordered not to shoot, their Chain of Command should be fired and their ROE updated. If they were unclear on the ROE for the use of deadly force, retrain them. I respect our National Guard and admire the job they do, but this is inexcusable. The border is where it all starts. If we allow them to get away with it once, they'll just keep a-coming. It is bad enough that we allow the unarmed invaders to cross unchallenged and don't always deport them when we find them. Speaking of which, shouldn't a certain Meat Packing company be getting huge fines levied against them? Nah, screw it! We'll just keep rewarding crime...
On the lighter side of things, color me surprised, but the Duke rape case fiasco is finally shaping up to be all it should have been from the get go. A big, fat ZERO! By reducing the charges to only things that can't be proven, the prosecution is simply denying the ugly truth. There is no case. Never was. Never will be. Too bad the New Black Panthers just can't understand. Their leader really embarrassed himself on the Bill O'Reilly show last night. Seems they just cannot accept that the accuser is a faker and a liar. The only result they will accept is guilty and they will never get it. Once they figure that out the cries and whining will begin anew. (Racism! White Privilege! Conspiracy!) I wonder why Jesse Jackson and the ACLU aren't in LA to assist in the Halloween Night hate crime attacks? Oh, that's right...the alleged victims are white. Racism and hate crimes aren't possible against white folk.
One final thought concerning a group of cab drivers. Details - Muslim Cab Drivers Refuse Customers As someone who spent more than two years in and out of Arab countries, let me just say that charity should start at home. Muslims, for the most part, drink just as much if not more than we Americans do. They also seem to own an inordinate amount of dogs. This is just another excuse to try and mold us to their "ways." Make no mistake about it. While the Shiite may be a reasonably tolerant bunch, the Sunni have one goal and one goal only. Join us or perish at our hands. Hello...does anyone see the back door being pried open? Maybe we should refuse to ride with any Muslim cab drivers! No, that would be racist and wrong. Right?

Saturday, April 08, 2006

(I still have) Immigration Issues and other updates!!

1) Immigration - A quick rehash...the government is trying to pass an immigration reform bill and the latinos in particular are all in a twist over it. Seems they don't take kindly to having to pay taxes and learn the english language. Well here's the funny thing I still can't understand. Why are latinos against this bill??? It provides for a guest worker program, gives illegals already in the country a route to become a citizen without having to go back to their own country and stand in line and (somehow) doesn't propose to put any of them in jail! It also talks about building a big-ass wall to prevent competition in the lucrative American jobs market. What's not to like? These are the things that latino rights groups La Raza and LULAC have been arguing for years to get! It's my thinking that the latinos would be at home celebrating this bill while other groups took to the streets to demonstrate against it. Instead, we have latinos abandoning jobs and schools to march against this bill while the rest of us legal immigrants sit at home and do nothing to stop it. What's wrong with this picture? OH...That's right...they'll have to learn english and start paying taxes. Yeah...I'd be pissed about that too!! One suggestion though...if we're gonna build that wall, we better build it before telling anyone. Otherwise there's gonna be a mass migration north to get in before it goes up ala the Muriel Boat Lift. Speaking of which, the immigration department this week demonstrated it's keen grasp of reality by catching a boatload of illegals entering the country by landing in Florida. The boat had many haitians and one cuban onboard. Under the "dry feet" law, the cuban was allowed to stay and the rest were deported home. Are we to believe that the boat they came in on left Haiti and made a pit stop in Cuba before coming to the U.S.? Makes perfect sense to me....

2) Cynthia McKinney - She continues to make noise as even her fellow Black Caucus members advise her to back off and shut up. The more she talks the less she says and the stupider she looks. I almost busted a gut during her interview on CNN's American Morning show with Soledad O'Brien. If it wasn't so sad it would be funnier. Hell, her attorney said more than she did. Not bad for someone with 'something to say.' As posted earlier, I believe she owes us all an apology but will never give one. The continuing state of single-sided race relations....

3) NASCAR - Bill Lester, all-American race car driver(and black man), drove a nice clean race and managed not to wreck himself or anybody else. He gained valuable rookie experience and berated the press for making a big deal out of it. In the mean time, as the black community shouted as one that IT'S ABOUT TIME, NASCAR continued it's quiet commitment to it's minority driving program. In other news, I continue to note that while there is a Family Channel sponsored car, there's no BET Channel sponsored car.....Wrangler has a race team, FUBU does not....Joe Gibbs has a two car race team, Charles Barkley, Shaquille O'Neal and Michael Jordan combined don't have one between them. So what are P Diddy, Oprah and other black billionaires doing to promote blacks in racing? Apparently they are sitting around on their collective asses waiting for white folk to make it happen. Color me surprised.....

Sunday, April 02, 2006

It's ALWAYS About Race!!!

Isn't it? Oh sure....everytime a white guy gets promoted before the black guy, everytime a white guy cuts off a black man on the freeway, everytime the white candidate gets elected over a hispanic candidate, everytime a hispanic woman is fired by a white woman, everytime a black man is jailed for a crime, everytime a TV show features mostly white characters, everytime a talk-show hostess is kept out of a department store after hours, everytime a taxi passes on picking up a famous black actor off the streets of New York late at night, everytime a minority of any color is turned down for a home loan, car loan, credit card or...ahh heck, you get the idea, right? In case you don't, there are those in this country who would have you believe that the entire white race is out to get, destroy, put down and generally hold back the minorities in our country. Forget the thousands of whites who gave their lives in the civil war...forget that a VERY SMALL percentage of whites actually owned or condoned slavery, forget that most whites were immigrants once upon a time who stood in line and learned the language to become citizens, forget the hundreds of thousands who marched for and voted for civil rights in the 60s and raised kids to think the way that they did. APPARENTLY....we (white folks) just want to hold minorities back, keep them from succeeding and put them down when they do somehow manage to beat the "system." Need a good example of this? Check it out....

AOL News: Politics - No Apology From McKinney for Hill Scuffle

Congressional Representative Cynthia McKinney of Georgia is crying racism over a recent incident in which she accuses a Capitol Hill police officer of being a racist as he grabbed her "inappropriately" and detained her against her will. Did he tackle her without warning? Did he verbally abuse her and call her by racial epithets? Did he grope her and make disparaging remarks about her color? Nah...all he did was his JOB!! Whuh? Huh? That's right, he did his job and nothing more. As a member of the Capitol Police he is charged with protecting the 100 members of the Senate and the 535 members of Congress. He is to ensure that they are safe and protected by guarding the entrances to secure buildings. Not too long ago, it seems Rep. McKinney tried to enter a building by flashing her ID, not wearing her congressional lapel pin and bypassing security. Normally, this is how things happen. On this day, however, the guard did not happen to recognize the Congresswoman and asked her, not once but three times to stop and identify herself. When she refused to, he attempted to detain her.... I.E., his job. Her response? Well gosh, as a 6 term Rep (and grown, mature woman) I would expect her to get indignant, identify herself and give the guard a dressing down. Instead, she ignored three verbal warning and then struck at the officer as he attempted to block her entry to the building. THEN, as seems to be the norm these days, she went on National television and painted this whole incident as racially motivated. When I first saw this reported on CNN, without any details on the incident being provided, all we got to see was the congresswoman and her lawyer with lots of other minorities on a podium announcing that an investigation was necessary! That this is just another indication of the severe problem we have in America! That it was unforgivable that this type of incident should happen to a (heavy annunciation here) "black.... woman.... Congressman!"
Days after the incident her tone seems to have changed. She now says that she "regrets" the incident...that the guard probably didn't recognize her due to a recent makeover. Other members of congress believe she should be charged with assault. The Capitol Police are considering it. One Rep decided to say that is was no big deal. Another pondered how many police will be hit before it becomes a big deal?
So far she hasn't apologized to the police officer or the department. I'm betting she won't, but if she does, it won't be publicly. Personally, I think she owes the whole nation an apology. She is a highly positioned elected official. She is EXACTLY the kind of person that young folk of any color should be able to look up to. Sadly, she just destroyed any credibility she had by blowing this incident into something it never was...a racial incident. The guard did his job and she reacted by acting like a spoiled child. By going before a national audience and crying race, she undermines a ton of progress in race relations. Other minorities who look up to her will decide it's OK to cry race everytime they feel wronged. And all of us white folk, raised to judge by character, will realize that she has no character and even less class. By promoting a non-existent situation she continues to erode progress and set us back ten years or more. She encourages others to do the same. And when proved totally wrong, she will never apologize for it.
I see a pattern here that gets more set every year. Black comedians will spend half of their set joking about the crackers with no rhythm. But if a white man tells a joke about black people liking fried chicken and watermelon, stand by for the fury! Black people can get national news coverage about baseless accusations of racial harassment. You'll never see the guard on TV talking about how he was just doing his dang job. Do I think that racially motivated incidents deserve national attention? Darn right!! Do I think CNN showed a severe lack of judgment with this story being aired as it was? Damn right. I think most major news organizations are so geared up to report nationally significant news that they will cover ANYthing that just sounds juicy. Funny how it is then buried deep within their websites when the facts and public sentiment is better known. I honestly don't know what is more irresponsible to report...the Congresswoman's baseless rant or the crap that Charlie Sheen was spouting off about 911. I always thought of CNN as an authoritative news organization unaflicted by the crap and incapable of airing unmitigated crap that has no place in the 'news.' I guess I thought wrong.