Saturday, April 08, 2006

(I still have) Immigration Issues and other updates!!

1) Immigration - A quick rehash...the government is trying to pass an immigration reform bill and the latinos in particular are all in a twist over it. Seems they don't take kindly to having to pay taxes and learn the english language. Well here's the funny thing I still can't understand. Why are latinos against this bill??? It provides for a guest worker program, gives illegals already in the country a route to become a citizen without having to go back to their own country and stand in line and (somehow) doesn't propose to put any of them in jail! It also talks about building a big-ass wall to prevent competition in the lucrative American jobs market. What's not to like? These are the things that latino rights groups La Raza and LULAC have been arguing for years to get! It's my thinking that the latinos would be at home celebrating this bill while other groups took to the streets to demonstrate against it. Instead, we have latinos abandoning jobs and schools to march against this bill while the rest of us legal immigrants sit at home and do nothing to stop it. What's wrong with this picture? OH...That's right...they'll have to learn english and start paying taxes. Yeah...I'd be pissed about that too!! One suggestion though...if we're gonna build that wall, we better build it before telling anyone. Otherwise there's gonna be a mass migration north to get in before it goes up ala the Muriel Boat Lift. Speaking of which, the immigration department this week demonstrated it's keen grasp of reality by catching a boatload of illegals entering the country by landing in Florida. The boat had many haitians and one cuban onboard. Under the "dry feet" law, the cuban was allowed to stay and the rest were deported home. Are we to believe that the boat they came in on left Haiti and made a pit stop in Cuba before coming to the U.S.? Makes perfect sense to me....

2) Cynthia McKinney - She continues to make noise as even her fellow Black Caucus members advise her to back off and shut up. The more she talks the less she says and the stupider she looks. I almost busted a gut during her interview on CNN's American Morning show with Soledad O'Brien. If it wasn't so sad it would be funnier. Hell, her attorney said more than she did. Not bad for someone with 'something to say.' As posted earlier, I believe she owes us all an apology but will never give one. The continuing state of single-sided race relations....

3) NASCAR - Bill Lester, all-American race car driver(and black man), drove a nice clean race and managed not to wreck himself or anybody else. He gained valuable rookie experience and berated the press for making a big deal out of it. In the mean time, as the black community shouted as one that IT'S ABOUT TIME, NASCAR continued it's quiet commitment to it's minority driving program. In other news, I continue to note that while there is a Family Channel sponsored car, there's no BET Channel sponsored car.....Wrangler has a race team, FUBU does not....Joe Gibbs has a two car race team, Charles Barkley, Shaquille O'Neal and Michael Jordan combined don't have one between them. So what are P Diddy, Oprah and other black billionaires doing to promote blacks in racing? Apparently they are sitting around on their collective asses waiting for white folk to make it happen. Color me surprised.....

Sunday, April 02, 2006

It's ALWAYS About Race!!!

Isn't it? Oh sure....everytime a white guy gets promoted before the black guy, everytime a white guy cuts off a black man on the freeway, everytime the white candidate gets elected over a hispanic candidate, everytime a hispanic woman is fired by a white woman, everytime a black man is jailed for a crime, everytime a TV show features mostly white characters, everytime a talk-show hostess is kept out of a department store after hours, everytime a taxi passes on picking up a famous black actor off the streets of New York late at night, everytime a minority of any color is turned down for a home loan, car loan, credit card or...ahh heck, you get the idea, right? In case you don't, there are those in this country who would have you believe that the entire white race is out to get, destroy, put down and generally hold back the minorities in our country. Forget the thousands of whites who gave their lives in the civil war...forget that a VERY SMALL percentage of whites actually owned or condoned slavery, forget that most whites were immigrants once upon a time who stood in line and learned the language to become citizens, forget the hundreds of thousands who marched for and voted for civil rights in the 60s and raised kids to think the way that they did. APPARENTLY....we (white folks) just want to hold minorities back, keep them from succeeding and put them down when they do somehow manage to beat the "system." Need a good example of this? Check it out....

AOL News: Politics - No Apology From McKinney for Hill Scuffle

Congressional Representative Cynthia McKinney of Georgia is crying racism over a recent incident in which she accuses a Capitol Hill police officer of being a racist as he grabbed her "inappropriately" and detained her against her will. Did he tackle her without warning? Did he verbally abuse her and call her by racial epithets? Did he grope her and make disparaging remarks about her color? Nah...all he did was his JOB!! Whuh? Huh? That's right, he did his job and nothing more. As a member of the Capitol Police he is charged with protecting the 100 members of the Senate and the 535 members of Congress. He is to ensure that they are safe and protected by guarding the entrances to secure buildings. Not too long ago, it seems Rep. McKinney tried to enter a building by flashing her ID, not wearing her congressional lapel pin and bypassing security. Normally, this is how things happen. On this day, however, the guard did not happen to recognize the Congresswoman and asked her, not once but three times to stop and identify herself. When she refused to, he attempted to detain her.... I.E., his job. Her response? Well gosh, as a 6 term Rep (and grown, mature woman) I would expect her to get indignant, identify herself and give the guard a dressing down. Instead, she ignored three verbal warning and then struck at the officer as he attempted to block her entry to the building. THEN, as seems to be the norm these days, she went on National television and painted this whole incident as racially motivated. When I first saw this reported on CNN, without any details on the incident being provided, all we got to see was the congresswoman and her lawyer with lots of other minorities on a podium announcing that an investigation was necessary! That this is just another indication of the severe problem we have in America! That it was unforgivable that this type of incident should happen to a (heavy annunciation here) "black.... woman.... Congressman!"
Days after the incident her tone seems to have changed. She now says that she "regrets" the incident...that the guard probably didn't recognize her due to a recent makeover. Other members of congress believe she should be charged with assault. The Capitol Police are considering it. One Rep decided to say that is was no big deal. Another pondered how many police will be hit before it becomes a big deal?
So far she hasn't apologized to the police officer or the department. I'm betting she won't, but if she does, it won't be publicly. Personally, I think she owes the whole nation an apology. She is a highly positioned elected official. She is EXACTLY the kind of person that young folk of any color should be able to look up to. Sadly, she just destroyed any credibility she had by blowing this incident into something it never was...a racial incident. The guard did his job and she reacted by acting like a spoiled child. By going before a national audience and crying race, she undermines a ton of progress in race relations. Other minorities who look up to her will decide it's OK to cry race everytime they feel wronged. And all of us white folk, raised to judge by character, will realize that she has no character and even less class. By promoting a non-existent situation she continues to erode progress and set us back ten years or more. She encourages others to do the same. And when proved totally wrong, she will never apologize for it.
I see a pattern here that gets more set every year. Black comedians will spend half of their set joking about the crackers with no rhythm. But if a white man tells a joke about black people liking fried chicken and watermelon, stand by for the fury! Black people can get national news coverage about baseless accusations of racial harassment. You'll never see the guard on TV talking about how he was just doing his dang job. Do I think that racially motivated incidents deserve national attention? Darn right!! Do I think CNN showed a severe lack of judgment with this story being aired as it was? Damn right. I think most major news organizations are so geared up to report nationally significant news that they will cover ANYthing that just sounds juicy. Funny how it is then buried deep within their websites when the facts and public sentiment is better known. I honestly don't know what is more irresponsible to report...the Congresswoman's baseless rant or the crap that Charlie Sheen was spouting off about 911. I always thought of CNN as an authoritative news organization unaflicted by the crap and incapable of airing unmitigated crap that has no place in the 'news.' I guess I thought wrong.