Tonight, an interesting article...
WorldNetDaily: 'Hate crime' victims: Young, poor, white
What it says is, essentially, that the tide has started to turn. It is more likely that black people will commit hate crimes against whites than vice versa. Does this surprise or shock me? No. What also doesn't surprise or shock me is that this was not and will not be widely reported. Why?
Anyone who pays reasonably close attention to the press today knows that black on white crime and (to an even larger extent) black on black crime goes largely unreported. Why is this not newsworthy? Do we believe that white people getting beat by black people deserved it or were owed it? Do we really think that just because they were white they had it coming to them? As for B on B violence, I feel the idea is to report the black community in general as a well adjusted cohesive unit when it reality it is in complete turmoil. B on B violence proves this and is thusly not widely reported. What is reported, often on a national scale, is the slightest thought of impropriety between a black citizen and a white police officer. Example...I've seen tons of videos on TV shows that show a white guy leading police on a 3 county high speed chase, endangering innocent lives, taking lots of risks as he refuses to pull over and taunts the police. When they finally blow out his tires and get him to stop, they yank him out of the car and proceed to beat the hell out of him. I don't have a problem with this. He might have killed me in his recklessness and I think he deserves every lick he gets. All he had to do was pull over. But let it be a black man being chased and beat by white cops and the whole nation is in an uproar over civil rights abuses. Many times we read about how a white or black cop was attacked by a white person and had to resort to deadly force to save their own life. Generally we pat them on the back, call them brave and thank God that they are here to protect us. But let the attacker be any minority and the cop white and immediately the attacker becomes the 'victim' and the cop is on admin leave and under investigation. Time and time again this double standard rears its head. If a white person died, it might make local news. If a black person dies, it's national headlines. The more the press continues this trend, the deeper the rift between the races will become. I would like to think that most rational people, given the straight facts, would agree that we go way overboard way too often. The press, however, has a gift for manipulating the facts and telling only what they want you to know. As stated in previous entries, stories about racial harmony and community togetherness DON'T SELL PAPERS!
Friday, February 24, 2006
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