Monday, February 19, 2007

Hugo Chavez wants to be your friend!

I cannot believe the commercial I just saw on TV. One of the cool things about having sat TV is being able to catch programs in different time zones. One of the bad things is seeing other peoples local ads. One of the interesting things is seeing commercials you WOULD NOT see at home. Soooo...
Tonight I was watching Wheel o' Fortune on a Boston, MA station when the ad came on. It showed a young, single mother and her daughter standing in front of a gas stove (unlit) and getting cold. The pair appear to be out of heating oil and have no means to buy more. The announcer in the background is talking about how tough times can be and how there is now help on the way. A heating oil truck pulls up out front and "Joe" gets out to happily pump some free oil into the struggling family's tank. The announcer is now happily telling us that no one should go without and "Joe" will be there in your time of need. The punchline? As the ad closes we hear "Joe's assistance program is brought to you by Citgo and the fine people of Venezuela." What???
So one has to wonder. Has Hugo decided to hire a PR firm to 'buff' up his tarnished image in the U.S.? Or is the State Department behind this idiocy? Lord knows I love a guy who can piss on us while we continue to kiss his ass. I didn't think Chavez cared. Maybe Stripes (CircleK) DID buy lots of gas from them...

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