In what world is it a bad idea to require voters to identify themselves before we allow them to vote? There’s lots of press these days on the subject. My own state of Texas will be voting on it again when the legislature reconvenes later this year. Proponents of the requirement believe that this is the only way to avoid the most easily committed form of voter fraud. Opponents, meanwhile, insist that in person voter fraud has rarely if ever occurred and that this is an unnecessary burden to the poor, disadvantaged minorities. What?? I thought minorities were now treated equal and able to earn a living and obtain a drivers license just like millions of others in this country…But enough of my personal insight. Let us break this down;
1) Opponents of voter ID feel that no ID should be required because no-one is committing onsite voter fraud. Really? How would you know?? If it is happening, as many suspect it is or soon will, there is no way to detect it. That is why it is a good idea to go forward with proper IDing of voters.
2) Opponents also like to point out that it is much easier to call into question absentee voting (where some fraud has actually occurred.) Such as that from our troops overseas. Who were also discounted during the last election. By the democrats who know that most troops will vote republican. Because democrats treat the troops like crap.
3) In case you haven’t guessed by now, it is usually prominent democrats behind these articles and they always drag out some ‘example’ of how voter ID will “punish” some unfortunate soul who so desperately wants to ‘make a difference’ in our elections by exercising their right to vote. In the latest AP article on the subject it was a “32 year old mother of seven who says it would cost her at least $50 to vote in person.” (Side note: unless she’s the recently widowed wife of a hard-line Catholic, I’m guessing she’s made some pretty poor decisions in her life…is this the person we want choosing the next leader?) This, my friends, is the perfect voter in the democrat’s eyes. She has depended on the government to take care of her and her offspring for years and will eagerly vote for anyone who promises more government interference in her life. Govt. medical care? Damn right! $5,000 per child at birth? Bring it on…I’ll have some more! Never mind that she’s getting a free ride courtesy of our hard working butts which will soon be taxed to death! This is why the democrats are so adamant about her right to vote. By the way, I notice they never tell us how many of the past elections she has voted in…
Bottom line is that we have to identify ourselves damn near everywhere we go so why should voting be any different? This is perhaps the most sacred of our national past times. To elect the leader of the free world we enjoy every day. Whether we appreciate it or not. I stand behind every American’s right to do so. In this day and age it is entirely too easy to get on the voter rolls if you don’t belong there. Voter ID cards are as accessible as the nearest PC. The opportunity for fraud is huge and never has it been more important to combat it. There will always be innocent victims, there will always be exceptions. If we do nothing, we invite the problem to grow. If this keeps a few democrat ‘superstars’ who have a lifetime of poor decisions behind them from voting so be it. Not all republicans are rich you know. Plenty of them will be hit as well. To play this off as party politics is irresponsible.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
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